Ciril Horjak: Selection
Ciril Horjak draws at least two illustrations per week for the newspaper Večer. Over a period of sixteen years, he has drawn just over 1800. Every week he devotes one day and one night to these illustrations. Many of them illustrate local problems in Northeastern Slovenia, but some have the structure, signs and artistic power to function beyond of their own time and context. Their quality becomes sharper with temporal distance.
Horjak, who sometimes signs his work with the pseudonym Dr Horowitz, is exhibiting less than two percent of his oeuvre. The name of the exhibition refers to a selection that has best stood the test of time. All of the drawings are accompanied by a brief summary of their context.
The thought that many viewers will simply hurry through an exhibition of their works is probably unpleasant for most artists, but it is an attractive idea for someone who draws newspaper illustrations. Such illustrations have to be created quickly, at the pace of media production. They need to be understood quickly. They must have a clear composition. Nonetheless, anyone who lingers in front of the images will observe their second layer: the superstructure with details. Newspaper caricature often appeals to both views: the fast and the slow.
Curator: Jure Stojan