Love Goes Through the Stomach
Slovenia entered the Year as the European Region of Gastronomic 2021, awarded by the International Institute for Gastronomy, Culture, Art and Tourism (IGCAT).
The juncture of European Alpine, Mediterranean, Karst and Pannonian spaces gave rise to the shaping of a unique Slovene gastronomic image. It is based on the integration of local ingredients: from field crops and garden produce to ingredients gathered in meadows and forests, from salt from Adriatic saltpans to honey gathered by autochthonous bees, and from wine to mineral waters, for which our health resorts are famous. You could say that a diverse gastronomy is part of the unique and diverse Slovene culture.
The mosaic of promotional activities in the year of the European Gastronomic Region is complemented by the thematic photographic exhibition "Love goes through the stomach".
The rich museum photographic heritage kept by the National Museum of Contemporary History, covering almost the whole of the 20th century, preserves through photographs many culinary images of Slovenia: from the well-known Slanik Feast through typical Slovene dishes such as kranjska klobasa, Idrija žlikrofi or potica (Carniolan sausage, Idrijan ravioli and layer cake, respectively), everything to an unfamiliar snail dish. The authors of the photoreportage: Marjan Ciglič, Edi Šelhaus, Dušan Gostinčar, Lojze Jerala and Vlastja Simončič, are joined by the gastronomic photographs of several times award-winning culinary photographer Janez Pukšič. His photographic creations, which acquire a whole new image in the contemporary design of exceptional culinary chiefs due to the unusual composition of typical Slovene dishes, dot the i of the exhibition.
The aim of the exhibition is to show that the unique Slovene gastronomy is actually formed by individuals who, from the very seed, from the soil, with their love for nature and all natural conditions, allow Slovenia to consist of 24 gastronomic regions, with as many as 365 characteristic or identifiable dishes and beverages.
Come and taste Slovenia!
Curator of the Exhibition: Andreja Zupanec Bajželj
The exhibition was prepared in collaboration with the Museum of Contemporary History of Slovenia.