Today, the Ljubljana Castle is devoted to culture, entertainment and gastronomic delights, but this was not always the case. The dark side of the castle’s history is still hidden in the spaces where there used to be penitentiaries. Are you curious about what went on and why people ended up there? Take the time to view the permanent exhibition Penitentiary, which will reveal a fragment of the castle reality in the 19th century.
What to Expect
The exhibition is on display in the renovated spaces of the penitentiary solitaryconfinement cells below the Palatium. The layout is based on a combination of the presented building heritage of the cells, which were built in the second penitentiary phase (1868–1895), and content that explains the role of the entire castle in the 19th and early 20th centuries.
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Outline of the Tour
The spaces themselves make you feel confined, and together with the original fittings exhibited in the first cell (the door and grilles) give a sense of the scope of the penitentiary. The second and third cells are devoted to a chronological presentation of the punishment phases, with archival material and original objects from one of the workshops in which prisoners made bone buttons. The objects were discovered in archaeological research at the castle. In the fourth cell, prisoners are presented with virtual reality (hologram) accompanied by generated sound. A glimpse of a prisoner in solitary confinement through a small opening in the door and the names of prisoners bring the visitor closer to the real people and their stories.
Why? Because that’s where you can find me, Friderik. And gifts with my beautiful image. I know, I’m cute, I’m really cute. By the exit, take a peep to the right of the main door and pay me a visit.