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Castle Hill

There are countless reasons for making the short climb to the Castle Hill. Escape the city bustle to the embrace of lush trees, where, for a moment, you will completely forget that you are in a city at all. Enjoy long walks along trails that conceal many historical and architectural sights and reveal breathtaking views. Learn why the Castle Hill has long been a place of inspiration for many artists and creative people.

Plečnik’s Šance

In the 1930s, architect Jože Plečnik led the remodelling of the ruins of a former city bastion (fortress). From the remains of the former fortress, he created a popular promenade in the pleasant shade of tree canopies, with attractive views of the city. Šance was last thoroughly renovated in 2018.


Well with a Walking Wheel

The well in the Castle Park, in the immediate vicinity of the castle, was most likely built during the time of the Roman city of Emona. Due to its proximity to the fortress, it was filled in during the Middle Ages, but was rediscovered and cleared in the early 19th century. At that time, a wooden walking wheel was added in order to raise water. Two prisoners entered the wheel, which was moved by the weight of their bodies. The wheel has been preserved to this day, making it one of the top examples of European technical heritage. The well shaft is about 60 meters deep today.

Pogled na Ljubljano iz Grajskega drevoreda. Foto: Jernej Pogačnik

Monument to the Peasant Revolts

South of the castle, on a fortified viewing terrace below Lipnik, a five-meter high bronze sculpture of rebels with peasant tools was erected in 1974 to mark the 500th anniversary of the peasant revolts in Slovenia. The monument is the work of sculptor Stojan Batič, while the inscribed low stone pedestal was designed by architect Vladimir Braco Mušič.

slika spomenik kmeč.uporom

Chapel of Mary the Holy Mother of God

Kapelico, posvečeno Sveti Božji Materi Mariji, lahko obiščete na sprehodu v gozdičku Regalijev gaj, ki je poimenovan po ljubljanskem obrtniku Jožefu Regaliju. Leta 1916 jo je tam dal postaviti major Karl vitez plemeniti Kern, poveljnik karantenske postaje, ki je v času prve svetovne vojne delovala na Ljubljanskem gradu. Ob svojem obisku Ljubljane, 2. junija 1917, je kapelico v spremstvu majorja Kerna obiskala tudi cesarica Cita (žena zadnjega avstro-ogrskega cesarja Karla I.)

Castle Avenue

Take a stroll along the avenue lined with wild chestnut trees that connects the Ljubljana Castle with Šance. The avenue was planted in 1905 by the then city gardener Vaclav Hejnic (1864–1929), who was of Czech descent. Hejnic was hired by the Carniola provincial government to renovate the park in honour of a visit by the Austrian emperor. The avenue runs along the route of the former city defensive walls.


Orel Peak

You can reach Orel Peak after a short walk from the Ljubljana Castle towards the south-eastern part of the Castle Hill. The peak was named after Dr Jože Orel, the deputy mayor of Ljubljana and a landowner from the mid 19th century, who also owned some land on the Castle Hill. Orel Peak is connected with Šance and the castle by several well-maintained footpaths.

Castle Vineyard

Only a ten-minute walk from the castle, on the south slope of Castle Hill, just under Orlov Vrh, 1050 grapevines have been growing since 2016. That year, Ljubljana carried the tile of “European Green Capital”. 500 of them are of a white Belpin variety, which is a cross between Belina and Pinot, thus representing the Slovene equivalent of Chardonnay. The other 550 are of a red Rdečegrajc variety; the name comes from the Slovene translation of the variety’s original name Rotburger, which was renamed to Zweigelt in 1975.


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You probably don’t have one with my image yet. They are beautiful and as luxurious as a castle! Practical gifts and attractive souvenirs await you in the Castle Shop.

Meet Friderik, the castle rat!